Bomb threat sent to Berlin mosque

Suspected far-right extremists emailed a bomb threat to Berlin’s prominent Sehitlik Mosque on Monday.
Suspected far-right extremists emailed a bomb threat to Berlin’s prominent Sehitlik Mosque on Monday.
Mosque officials said they immediately informed the police after receiving an e-mail from the far-right terrorist group Combat 18, which claimed that the group had planted plastic explosives in the mosque complex.
Rifki Olgun Yucekok, the Turkish consul general in Berlin, urged German authorities to take stronger measures to protect the mosques.
“This may turn out to be a hoax, but still it’s an attempt to disrupt peace, social cohesion,” he stressed, adding that they expect German authorities to identify those behind such threats and bring them to justice.
The Sehitlik Mosque, which belongs to the Turkish-Muslim organization DITIB, is a well-known Muslim place of worship in the German capital.
In recent months, dozens of mosques across Germany received bomb threats, sparking worries among the country’s Muslim population.