
Various activities to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, in Madagascar

The Office of the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, in the city of Majunga, Madagascar, commemorated Ashura and the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him.
The Office held various events and ceremonies related to Ashura, in compliance with the directives of His Eminence on the necessity of reviving and glorifying the holy Husseini rituals and making them known to the whole world.
The Husseini activities included a presentation of the Karbala event through reenactments and plays, which were attended by a large crowd of Husseini mourners, as well as the organization of a mourning procession in the streets of Majunga.
Many Muslim and non-Muslim countries witnessed the establishment of Ashura commemoration ceremonies in memory of the martyrdom of the grandson of the Noble Prophet, Imam Hussain, peace be upon him.

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