A resident of the Iraqi community in Canada built the first mosque in the town of Inuvik, the northwestern region of Canada.
Dr. Hussein Qasti from Iraq managed to build the first mosque in Canada’s far-north provinces, in the Inuvik region, and he called it ‘Nihayat al-Alam Mosque’ or the End of the World Mosque.
About 80 Muslims live in the area, almost all of them Arabs who came from Canada.
Previously, they had no place to pray, except for a wooden house 3 meters wide and 7 meters long. The Muslim community there dreamed of having a mosque in Inuvik, which has a population of only 3,700 people.
Iraqi engineer Ahmad al-Khalaf, who has lived in the area for 9 years, says, “Helping the people of Inuvik is the main purpose of the implementation of the project.”