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Taliban explodes Humvee-born bomb in Eastern Afghanistan

Taliban insurgents detonated a vehicle-born bomb in eastern Afghanistan Wednesday, killing at least three people and injuring 15 others.



Taliban insurgents detonated a vehicle-born bomb in eastern Afghanistan Wednesday, killing at least three people and injuring 15 others.

Afghan officials said a stolen explosive-laden Humvee military vehicle was being driven toward a security-related compound in the provincial capital of Ghazni, but police forces intercepted and fired rockets at it.

The clash prompted the suicide bomber to prematurely explode the bomb, a senior security official told VOA Afghan news service.

Ramzan Ali Mohsini, the chief of security directorate in Ghazni, said the blast killed two police officers and a child while rescue teams transported 15 injured people to hospital, including 10 civilians.

The Afghan Interior Ministry said in a statement the clash killed a total of four Taliban assailants but it did not elaborate further.

The Taliban took credit for carrying out the suicide bombing.

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