Free Muslim Organization hails Swedish government’s cancellation of arm deal with tyrant regimes

The Non-Violence World Organization (Free Muslim) hailed the Swedish government to cancel a controversial arm deal with Saudi Arabia, urging governments of the countries of the European Council to follow Sweden and stop their arm deals with tyrant countries in the Middle East
The Non-Violence World Organization (Free Muslim) hailed the Swedish government to cancel a controversial arm deal with Saudi Arabia, urging governments of the countries of the European Council to follow Sweden and stop their arm deals with tyrant countries in the Middle East.
The organization appreciated the decision of the Swedish Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, to end a military deal with Saudi Arabia over human rights issues. The break comes after the Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström was allegedly prevented from making a speech at an Arab League meeting.
Saudi Arabia is known as the world’s most human rights violator as this country violates the rights or women, minorities and also is proven to supports IS and other terrorist groups throughout history.