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Quran Translations in 50 Languages at India Int’l Book Fair

Translations of the Holy Quran in 50 languages are among the books presented at the 27th New Delhi World Book Fair.


Translations of the Holy Quran in 50 languages are among the books presented at the 27th New Delhi World Book Fair.

The book fair opened in the Indian capital on January 5 and will run until January 13.  

Publishers from all over India as well as many other countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Canada, the US, South Africa, Egypt, Ghana, and Hong Kong have showcased their latest books in more than 1350 booths.

In addition to Quran translations, there are books on Tafseer (Quran interpretation), Hadith, Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Islamic history, and Arabic language.  

The 27th edition of the New Delhi World Book Fair (NDWBF) has been co-organized by the National Book Trust (NBT) and the India Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO) with the theme of “Readers with special needs”.


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