Study shows bigger storms to arrive with global warming

A study says global warming will lead to conditions where gradually strong storms become stronger and weak storms become weaker.
A study says global warming will lead to conditions where gradually strong storms become stronger and weak storms become weaker.
Despite the harmful effects of global warming on the Earth’s climate, there will not be a change in the cumulative result of the number of storms, an atmospheric physicist said in a study published in Science this week.
He likened the atmosphere to a heat engine that picks up water near the surface of the Earth. As surface air gets heated by the Sun, more water is picked up.
Water evaporation is then moved closer to the Equator where condensation occurs and heat it released, the study explained, adding that enough heat will make conditions produce a thunderstorm.
The overall output of this engine is the amount of heat and moisture that is redistributed between the Equator and the North and South Poles.
Scientists concluded that an increase in water vapor makes the engine less reliable and limits the strength of atmospheric circulation.