Wahhabi Saudi Arabia spreading sectarianism, Shiaphobia

The researcher at al-Bayan Centre for Planning and Studies, Catherine Shakdam, has published a research on how Saudi Arabia is spreading sectarianism and Shiaphobia.
The researcher at al-Bayan Centre for Planning and Studies, Catherine Shakdam, has published a research on how Saudi Arabia is spreading sectarianism and Shiaphobia.
The research began with ” Earlier this October, following calls and intelligence initiated by Saudi Arabia, France ordered a police raid against the Zahra Centre in Paris – a Shia organization, which creed has long been declared war to by Wahhabism/Salafism on account it rejects any and all forms of religious fundamentalism and indoctrination as a founding principle to its faith.”
France has rationalized its aggression based on allegations that the Zahra Center is actively promoting radical Islam and thus falls within France’s counter-terrorism mandate.
The research continues that “If such reasoning may hold on paper – if we accept in fact that France is interested in placating radicalism by denouncing the source of its ideology, France’s logic melts before the demands of a rational mind.”