Founder of Jannatul Baqie Husseiniya dies in Lucknow, India

The founder of Jannatul Baqie Husseiniya, Sayyed Nazer son of Sayyed Kazimi, died in the Indian city of Lucknow due to health deterioration.
The founder of Jannatul Baqie Husseiniya, Sayyed Nazer son of Sayyed Kazimi, died in the Indian city of Lucknow due to health deterioration.
Al-Kazimi, may Allah bless his soul was one of the good people in the city that and the earliest in matters of Husseini rituals.
It is worth mentioning that he was in a visit to the holy city of Qom, and upon that visit he met with the Grand Ayatollah Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, where the grand Jurist spoke of reviving the matter of Baqie through building similar architectural figures, and thus al-Kazimi ordered the building of the architecturally similar building to be called later on Jannatul Baqie Husseiniya which also has a similar grille, where SayyidKazimi will be buried, to the holy grille of Jannatul Baqie.
It is noteworthy that hundreds of thousands of Shias from all around India are visiting the Husseiniya for prayers and blessings.