Bishop converts to Islam, turns church to mosque

A Kenyan bishop has converted to Islam and turned his church into a mosque.
A Kenyan bishop has converted to Islam and turned his church into a mosque.
“My church was known as Nyalgosi God’s Call Church of East Africa, but it is now Nyalgosi Jamia Mosque,” Bishop Charles Okwany, now Ismael Okwany, told The Nairobian.
“During my tenure as a Bishop, I travelled to Malindi, Mombasa, Nairobi and Tanzania to preach the word of God
“I used to take advantage of the opportunity to study the conduct of both Christians and Muslims living in the areas, and it made me conclude that Islam is better,” he added.
Okwany began his journey to Islam by visiting a Muslim leader in Kisii County to whom he explained his intentions. He was then referred to Rangwe Imam, Mustafa Saoke.
On September 26, Okwany converted to Islam and was joined by 23 other members of his church.
Currently, the mosque has a population of 63 people after 30 Muslims who were in the entire Kagan ward decided to register their membership.