Book titled‘Takfirism and Wahhabi Ideology’ in Beirut Book Fair

The Shia writer and critic, Ali al-Deiry, took part in the sixtieth addition of Beirut Book Fair with his book ‘Takfirism and Wahhabi Ideology’.
The Shia writer and critic, Ali al-Deiry, took part in the sixtieth addition of Beirut Book Fair with his book ‘Takfirism and Wahhabi Ideology’.
Al-Deiry, whose citizenship was revoked by the Bahraini regime and is currently living in Canada, has published his book throughout Awal, the Canadian center for investigations.
The book included the history of the first Wahhabi government in Saudi Araibia formed 270 years ago, analyzingthe ideology of that government.
It is worth mentioning that the author believes that the Takfiri texts and books of the Wahhabi ideology are the essence and official history of Saudi Arabia.