Wisconsin Students Try Hijab for a Day

Supporting their Muslim friends, students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison put on hijabs for one day as part of Islam Appreciation Week, to normalize hijabs and address Islamophobia on campus.
Supporting their Muslim friends, students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison put on hijabs for one day as part of Islam Appreciation Week, to normalize hijabs and address Islamophobia on campus.
The event, hosted by the University of Wisconsin Muslim Student Association and Wisconsin Union Directorate Global Connection, aimed to normalize hijabs and address Islamophobia on campus.
Dubbed, “Hijabi for a Day,” the event started when women met in the morning to receive their headscarves and assigned a texting buddy, who wears a hijab on a day-to-day basis.
At the end of the day, the women had an opportunity to reflect on the experiences and describe their feelings when wearing hijabs.