Malaysian authorities detain 35 more Shias Muslim worshipers

Over 35 Malaysian Shias were arrested while they were reciting Dua Kumayl in Darul Uloom al-Mustafa, Malaysia.
Over 35 Malaysian Shias were arrested while they were reciting Dua Kumayl in Darul Uloom al-Mustafa, Malaysia.
These Shias Muslims had gathered to mourn Imam Hussain’s martyrdom anniversary and to recite Du’a Kumayl in Darul Uloom al-Mustafa.
In a statement, the moderate group G5 said, “Shia Muslims in Malaysia should be allowed to freely practice their religion not only based on the Federal Constitution, but also to fulfil an international declaration signed in 2004 by Malaysian leaders, including former Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi”.
Reacting to the news, Abdolhadi Avang, the chief of Malaysian Islamic Party, condemned the detention and said that both Shia and Sunni Muslims must be treated equally and there must be coexistence among them.