Doctors protest sale of Scottish-made bombs to Saudi Arabia calling on UK government to end arms deals

Doctors in Scotland are among hundreds of medics who’ve signed a letter calling on the UK Government to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
Doctors in Scotland are among hundreds of medics who’ve signed a letter calling on the UK Government to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
More than 200 doctors sent the letter to Dr. Liam Fox, secretary of state for international trade.
They are all Medact, which was formed in 1992 and campaigns on health issues related to war and poverty.
Medcat’s letter said: “As health professionals, we have a duty to speak out against all causes of ill health in Yemen. This must include the sale and export of UK weaponry that is fueling the conflict.”
The Saudi led coalition has dropped bombs made in Scotland and been accused of dozens of war crimes. They have also destroyed Yemen’s infrastructure, leading to starvation and disease, prolonging the suffering of these already destitute people.