US Mosque hosts discussion on honored role of women in Islam
March 31, 2016
365 1 minute read
Muslim women are oppressed in their religion was held on Sunday at Iowa City Mosque
A discussion aimed to combat the stereotype that Muslim women are oppressed in their religion was held on Sunday at Iowa City Mosque under the theme of “The Honored role of women in Islam.”
“Almighty Allah said that whoever had a daughter and preferred her the same as his son would enter paradise. In that way, Islam stopped this evil act,” The Daily Iowan newspaper reported quoting Presenter Imam Molhim Bilal, the imam of the Iowa City Mosque.
Bilal said, “The media see this situation in a few countries and makes it into a generalization for all of Islam.”
Throughout the discussion, audience members talked about how most Americans are familiar with the stereotypes of Muslims as dangerous.