Manitoba Islamic Leader Hopes Mosque Enriches Community
March 21, 2016
321 1 minute read
Islamic Association is responding to peoples’ curiosity around the newly established mosque in Winkler, Canada
The President of the Manitoba Islamic Association is responding to peoples’ curiosity around the newly established mosque in Winkler, Canada.
Dr. Idris Elbakri says it’s more of a gathering space for the growing number of Muslims moving to the Pembina Valley,“It’s a place for people to gather together to worship, to fellowship, to socialize, to have their children get together and build friendships. It’s not unlike what you would expect happening in a small church.”
He added that it can be isolating when there isn’t place for people to practice their faith together, particularly for newcomers to the country.
Elbakriconcluded by saying the prayer area in Winkler is just another Canadian place of worship and encourages the public to pay a visit.