US university president urges students to carry guns and ‘end Muslims’
December 7, 2015
305 1 minute read
US state of Virginia has urged college students there to be armed
The president of a university in the US state of Virginia has urged college students there to be armed and kill Muslims following the recent mass shooting in California.
The offensive comments came after Muslim communities in the US condemned Wednesday’s massacre in San Bernardino, California, urging the public not to blame Islam or Muslims.
Syed RizwanFarook, 28, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, 27, stormed a holiday party in San Bernardino, killing at least 14 people and injuring 21 in the deadliest shooting in the US in three years.
Jerry Falwell Jr., president of the Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, encouraged students to carry firearms and criticized US President Barack Obama for stating that the key to solving the US gun violence is tighter gun control laws.
The university’s president defended his views later on claiming that he was referring “to ‘those Muslims’ that carried out attacks in Paris and California.”