25000 processions from inside and outside of Iraq prepare for Ashura month

inside and outside of Iraq began to prepare for Ashura approximately a month ago
25000 processions from inside and outside of Iraq began to prepare for Ashura approximately a month ago.
Riyadh Ni’ma Selman, director of the Department of the Husseinian Rites in Iraq and other countries, invited the media agencies to participate and cover the whole commemoration to broadcast the true image of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, and the goals of his revolution, in addition to delivering the valor of the Iraqi warriors who have adopted the Husseinian principles and been fighting the evil forces.
He also called on the processions to cooperate with the security forces in terms of maintaining peace during the pilgrimages.
He added that security plans were set, in addition to plans for arranging the flow of pilgrims and offering them services.