
UN Secretary-General Calls for Urgent Action to Address Environmental Decline

In a message delivered on the International Day for Biological Diversity, UN chief Antonio Guterres sounded the alarm over the alarming deterioration of the planet’s ecosystems, Xinhua reported yesterday.

Guterres underscored that the world’s complex web of biodiversity, which sustains all life on Earth, is “unraveling at an alarming speed” due to human activities such as pollution, ecosystem destruction, and greenhouse gas emissions.

The UN leader advocated for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework as a crucial instrument to “reverse loss and restore biodiversity.”

Guterres emphasized that addressing the biodiversity crisis is not just an environmental issue, but a matter of sustainable development, job creation, and improved resilience.

He called for widespread participation, urging all stakeholders to be “Part of the Plan” and take urgent action to put biodiversity on a path to recovery.

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