
Increasing Inequalities: Amnesty International Report Highlights Human Rights Violations from Border Technology, AI

Amnesty International’s latest report has exposed the detrimental impact of new technology and AI at borders, perpetuating human rights violations against migrants.

The briefing, The Digital Border: Migration, Technology, and Inequality, emphasizes that these technologies, utilized by both governmental and private entities, heighten the probability of rights infringements for individuals on the move.

The technologies, the report mentions, also exacerbate underlying racial, economic, and social inequalities at borders and beyond.

Disturbingly, migrant workers and those with uncertain citizenship status face similar digital surveillance and exploitation as refugees, the report observed, adding that the commercial motives of private companies behind these technologies often prioritize data collection for profit.

Amnesty advocates for stringent regulations to curb the unrestrained deployment of such harmful technologies, urging compliance with international human rights obligations.

The report also urges companies to integrate safeguards and conduct human rights impact assessments prior to technology deployment to prevent abuses against vulnerable migrant populations.

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