Turkish Scientists Challenge Star Formation Theories with CN Lyn Discovery

Researchers from Istanbul and Akdeniz Universities have made a groundbreaking discovery regarding the CN Lyn star system, which defies conventional star formation theories, Anadolu Agency reported. Unlike typical multi-star systems, CN Lyn’s three stars formed at different times, with the third star being significantly older and more metal-poor.
Supported by TUBITAK and IU BAP, the team utilized data from TESS and Gaia, alongside ground-based observations, to reveal that CN Lyn originated at the Milky Way’s edge, with the third star later captured from the galactic halo. Professor Selcuk Bilir noted that this finding reshapes our understanding of star formation, highlighting the dynamic nature of the universe.
The two main stars are approximately 4 billion years old, while the third star is 12.5 billion years old, formed during the galaxy’s early development. Researchers emphasized that this unique system, with no parallels in existing literature, poses significant challenges to established models of stellar evolution.