Science & Technology

Scientists Develop ‘e-Taste’ Device to Enhance Virtual Reality Flavors

Researchers have unveiled a groundbreaking device called “e-Taste,” designed to recreate and share flavors of food and drink remotely, enhancing virtual and augmented reality experiences, The Guardian reported. While the device can transmit tastes like sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and umami, it has yet to master spiciness.

The e-Taste system consists of two components: an “electronic tongue” that analyzes the concentration of taste chemicals in food and a delivery device that uses electromagnetic pumps to control the release of these flavors directly into the user’s mouth. The researchers conducted tests with volunteers, achieving a 70% accuracy rate in identifying sour intensities and an 87% accuracy in recognizing flavors from different foods, such as lemonade and cake.

Potential applications for the e-Taste device include immersive gaming, online shopping, weight management, and sensory testing. Despite its promise, researchers acknowledge that further development is needed to address challenges in accurately replicating all taste sensations.

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