Science & Technology

Global Summit in Seoul Advocates for Human Control Over Military AI

A global summit in Seoul, South Korea, concluded on Tuesday with a strong call for maintaining human oversight in the military use of artificial intelligence (AI), Anadolu Agency reported yesterday.

The two-day event, titled “Responsible AI in the Military Domain,” gathered representatives from over 90 countries, including the US and China, alongside around 2,000 government officials and experts.

The summit’s final declaration emphasized the need for “appropriate human involvement” in the development and deployment of military AI systems. It highlighted the critical role of human judgment in the application of force and warned against the potential for AI to exacerbate the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

The concluding “Blueprint for Action” urged that AI technologies should facilitate disarmament and arms control efforts rather than undermine them. Participants reiterated the importance of preventing AI from contributing to global security threats, advocating for a balanced approach to military advancements in AI.

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