Closure of Religious Seminaries in Najaf, Karbala Following Martyrdom of Lebanese Shiites

In response to the intensified conflict in Lebanon and Israel’s extensive attacks on the southern region of the country, the religious seminaries in Najaf and Karbala have been temporarily closed.
This decision was made to express solidarity with the oppressed people of Lebanon and to condemn Israel’s assaults.
Reports indicate that classes led by several prominent Shiite scholars, including the advanced jurisprudence lessons of Ayatollah Sayyid Mortaza Shirazi in Najaf, have also been suspended for this occasion.

The seminaries of Najaf and Karbala, considered the heart of Shiite scholarship in the Islamic world, have announced their solidarity and support for the people of Lebanon through this closure.
The ongoing clashes in Lebanon and the continuous Israeli attacks have sparked widespread reactions across the Islamic world, and the closure of Iraq’s seminaries reflects the sensitivity and solidarity of Shiite scholars with the current situation of the Lebanese people.
This action symbolizes the steadfastness of Shiite scholars against oppression and their support for the oppressed, a tradition upheld by Shiite leaders throughout history in the face of tyranny.