Shia Medias
Alrasoul Alakram Cultural Foundation hosts director of Karbala International Book Fair and owners of publishing houses

Pavilion of Al-rasoul Alakram Cultural Foundation has hosted director of Karbala International Book Fair, Sayed Muhsin al-Hakim, and owners of some publishing houses participating in the fair in its 11th edition.
Pavilion of Alrasoul Alakram Cultural Foundation has hosted director of Karbala International Book Fair, Sayed Muhsin al-Hakim, and owners of some publishing houses participating in the fair in its 11th edition.
The guests were received by Hujat-ol- Islam WalMuslimeen Sheikh Ne’maElahi in the holy city of Karbala.
After welcoming the guests, Sheikh Elahi expressed his thankfulness to the supervisors of the book fair and their effors to hold such festivals that aim to spread the culture of Ahlul Bait, peace be upon them.