Religious Authority
Iraqi pilgrims visit Grand Ayatollah Shirazi in Qom, listened to his honorable son

In the past week, two groups of Shia pilgrims from Iraq visited the Grand Shia Jurist Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Shirazi and his respected son, Sayyed Hussein Shirazi in separate turns.
In the past week, two groups of Shia pilgrims from Iraq visited the Grand Shia Jurist Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Shirazi and his respected son, Sayyed Hussein Shirazi in separate turns.
Upon their arrival at the Office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi, these Iraqi Shias held commemorations to mark the martyrdom anniversary of Lady Fatimah Zahra (AS) and then, they listened to some remarks by Sayed Hussein Shirazi.
The Grand Jurist’s son opened his remarks by a hadith from the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (AS), who said: “Hardships and comfort are divided only by a thread.” This hadith, as explained by Sayed Hussein Shirazi, contains both a warning and a good news. The good news is that the worldly hardships are fleeting and that they will end, on the other side, any comfort is also prone to change into going away.”
The Grand Jurist’s son further read verse 46 of Surah Nazeeat of holy Quran and said: “On the Judgment Day, human beings will assume they have been there for only a single day or night; but the truth is that they have been there for many worldly years. This verse of Quran proves the point in the hadith by Imam Ali (AS). So if we keep this reality in mind that all worldly hardships and the most luxurious and comfortable ways of living are entirely temporary, then we would have a more realistic approach to our lives. Another verse of Quran also reads: “Don’t regret what has been taken from you and don’t indulge in what is given to you.” The hadith by Imam Ali (AS) conveys two ideas that are; first, this world is finite and it will end. And second, the life of this world is short and not meant to last.
Sayed Hussain Shirazi further said: “The law of possession can be very destructive. People usually take pride in their possessions or they feel depressed when they lose them. Wealth, properties, respect, power, and family can all be categorized as possessions, which make people feel arrogant or depressed all the times.”
At the end, the Grand Jurist’s son mentioned verse 188 of Surah Araaf in holy Quran and said: “We should constantly remember that we have no control over our benefits or sufferings, without the will of God, and this is the only way to achieve salvation in this world and the next.”