Representative of Grand Ayatollah delivers lecture at Al Al-Rasool Foundation in Damascus

A representative of the Supreme Religious Authority, Sheikh Jalal Maash, delivered a lecture to a number of faithful sisters and mothers of orphans and martyrs from blessed families, and those associated with the Lady Zainab Holy Shrine, during his visit to the Sayyida Zainab Area, in the Syrian capital, Damascus, and he praised their great role in conveying the message to the fullest, after they lost their life partners and companions.
Sheikh Maash called on the sisters to follow the example of Lady Zainab, peace be upon her, in her patience, steadfastness, jihad, and endurance of calamities and pains.
The lecture of Sheikh Jalal Maash came during his visit to the sponsorship distribution program offered by the Al Al-Rasool Cultural and Charitable Foundation, which is managed by Sayyed Muhammad Amin Hussein Al-Raja, in cooperation with the Al-Aqeelah Zainab Al-Kubra Organization, and other philanthropists, on Saturday, 24th of Rabi` Al-Thani.