
Coalition Urges UN to Exclude Saudi Arabia from Human Rights Council Election

A coalition of human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the International Service for Human Rights, has called on UN member states to reject Saudi Arabia’s candidacy in the upcoming Human Rights Council election on October 9, Jurist News reported yesterday.

The coalition cites Saudi Arabia’s ongoing human rights violations as justification for their appeal.

Key allegations include mass killings along the Yemen border, the execution of minors, and travel bans imposed on women’s rights activists. Additionally, they highlight the lack of accountability for Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman regarding the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The coalition argues that Saudi Arabia does not meet the criteria set by UN General Assembly Resolution 60/251, which requires candidates to demonstrate a commitment to human rights. They warn that electing Saudi Arabia would undermine the credibility of the Human Rights Council and its standards. In previous elections, HRW also urged members to deny votes to China, which was elected in 2023.

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