
Over 11,000 Afghan Migrants Deported from Pakistan in Two Weeks

ISLAMABAD — In a significant increase in deportations, more than 11,000 Afghan migrants were expelled from Pakistan in the first two weeks of February, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The report indicates that a total of 11,670 Afghans were deported during this period, with fears of arrest among migrants rising to 91%.

The IOM highlighted that over half of those deported—54 percent—were detained in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. The rate of deportations has doubled compared to the previous two weeks, reflecting heightened tensions for Afghan migrants in the region.

To gather insights, IOM border monitors interviewed 341 heads of Afghan families, documenting their experiences during this challenging time. Afghans expelled from Pakistan are returning through five border crossings, including the Torkham and Spin Boldak checkpoints. The situation underscores the growing challenges faced by Afghan migrants amid increasing deportation efforts.

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