
Over 100,000 Schools in Southern Pakistan Extend Holidays Due to Extreme Heat

In southern Pakistan, school summer holidays will be extended by two weeks due to soaring temperatures, impacting over 100,000 schools, Arab News reported yesterday.

According to Sindh education department, the decision has been made for the children’s well-being amid rising heatwaves linked to climate change.

With temperatures in rural Sindh exceeding 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit), teachers express concern over completing the curriculum while prioritizing student safety. Frequent power outages, or load-shedding, exacerbate the situation, especially in rural areas where electricity cuts can last over 12 hours daily.

UNICEF reports that over 460 million children in South Asia face extreme temperatures for at least 83 days each year. Despite contributing less than one percent to global greenhouse gas emissions, Pakistan is increasingly vulnerable to severe weather patterns, highlighting the urgent need for climate action.

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