
Militarization Disrupts Education in Indian-Controlled Kashmir

A recent report by Kashmir Media Service highlights the severe impact of militarization on students’ education in Indian-controlled Jammu and Kashmir. Released on International Literacy Day, the report underscores that decades of the unresolved Kashmir dispute have led to harassment and humiliation of students by Indian troops, obstructing their educational pursuits.

According to the report, the Modi regime has banned numerous schools run by the Falah-e-Aam Trust, further depriving Kashmiri youth of quality education. The new education policy in Kashmir is criticized as a reflection of RSS ideology, raising concerns about students’ ability to focus on learning amidst ongoing violence.

Additionally, Muslim students are reportedly coerced into singing Hindu religious songs and performing ‘Surya Namaskar’ in schools. Frequent internet suspensions have also hampered educational access, while Kashmiri students face discrimination in mainland India, including expulsions from institutions. The report calls on the international community to address the dire educational plight of students in the region.

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