Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani lauds victories achieved by Iraqis over ISIS

Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani emphasized the greatness of the victory that the Iraqis achieved during the battles on liberating the country from ISIS.
This came during His Eminence’s meeting with Mr. Christian Richter, head of the United Nations investigation team to promote accountability for the crimes committed by ISIS terrorists in Iraq and elsewhere.
A statement issued by his office, received by Shia Waves Agency, said: “His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah al-Sistani, listened to a brief explanation from his guest about the steps taken by the investigation team in performing its mission since its establishment under UN Security Council Resolution No. (2379) in (2017 AD).
The statement continued, “His Eminence recalled the great victory achieved by the Iraqis over ISIS terrorists, and praised the great sacrifices of the heroic fighters,” which he described as a “great historical achievement.”
Al-Sistani stressed, according to the statement, that “without the decisive victory, it would not have been possible to capture ISIS terrorists, and hold them accountable for the crimes they committed against the Iraqis, especially the crimes of murder, captivity, rape, and the destruction of Iraqi antiquities,” stressing “the necessity of observing full justice in all measures taken in this regard.”