
Construction works begin in specialized university college for orphans in Karbala

The Imam Redha Charitable Foundation (peace be upon him), affiliated with the representative office of Grand Ayatollah Sistani in Karbala, announced the start of the construction of the “University College” for orphans, which will provide them with free education and other services, on an area of 12.5 hectares.

A member of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, Dr. Saad al-Din al-Banna, said, “The college is affiliated with the Imam Redha Charitable Foundation, which is run by the representative office of Grand Ayatollah Sistani in Karbala, and chaired by Sheikh Abdul-Mahdi al-Karbalaey.”

“The college will provide education, in addition to other services dedicated to orphans, free of charge,” added al-Banaa.
The university college contains six departments, namely law, pharmacy, administration, economics, nursing, medical technology and dentistry on an area of 12.5 hectares on the Karbala Ayn al-Tamur Road.”

Resident engineer, Al-Hussein Bassem Jaafar said, “The University includes six faculties with five floors for each faculty, and the area of each faculty is about 1,000 square meters,” adding that “it also contains a prayer room and a cafeteria with an area of 1,000 square meters each, in addition to green spaces.”

The project is hoped to be completed in approximately three years.

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