
Iraqi Interior Minister Announces Completion of Preparations for Arbaeen Pilgrimage

Interior Minister Abdul Amir al-Shammari announced from the holy city of Karbala that all necessary preparations have been completed to ensure the success of this year’s Arbaeen pilgrimage. This statement was made during a press conference held in Karbala, where al-Shammari, who also heads the Supreme Security Committee for the Arbaeen pilgrimage, noted that all security and service measures are in place to welcome the visitors.

Al-Shammari emphasized that the Ministry of Interior, in cooperation with other security agencies, has equipped all necessary resources to provide safety and services for the pilgrims arriving in Karbala. The preparations include enhancing security measures throughout the city and ensuring the availability of essential services such as healthcare and first aid, as well as improving transportation infrastructure to facilitate the smooth movement of visitors.

The press conference also addressed detailed plans for securing the main routes taken by pilgrims, along with emergency measures that have been implemented to handle any unforeseen situations.

It is noteworthy that the Arbaeen pilgrimage, which witnesses millions gathering from around the world, is one of the most significant religious events in Iraq, attracting vast numbers of visitors to the city of Karbala annually.

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