Karbala Charity Foundation supports Mawakib serving Husseini mourners in Holy Karbala

The Karbala Charity Foundation (Guest House of Sayyida Umm al-Binin, peace be upon her), one of the centers affiliated with the Karbala Office of the Marja (Grand Ayatullah Shirazi), supplied provisions in two stages to the Hussaini Mawakib serving pilgrims and mourners of Imam al-Hussein during the first ten days of Muharram 2024.
The institute provided, in a complimentary manner, the materials needed by the Mawakib and Religious Associations of Karbala, including all kinds of food stuff and ingredients.
During the second phase of its activity, the foundation officials visited Husseini Associations and Mawakib located in the areas and neighborhoods of al-Tarbiyah, Bab al-Tuweirij, Bab al-Khan, Bab al-Taq, Bab al-Baghdad, Hayyul-Abbas, peace be upon him, Hayyul-Aamel, Hayyul-Hurr, Hayyul-Mu’alimeen, Hayyul-Muwazzafin, Hayyu-Ta’awun, Hayyul-Nasr, Al-Mulhaq, Al-Eskan, Al-Ta’leeb and some others, providing them with the food they needed.
According to the officials of the institute, it has supported more than 850 Mawakib and Associations during the first ten days of Muharram.
Since the establishment of Sayyida Umm al-Binin Guest House, peace be upon her, in 2003, the Karbala Charity Foundation has been distributing food among Husseini Mawakib and Associations every year during the days of Husseini mourning.