
Shia Rights Watch condemns attack on the Shia religious authority office in Afghanistan

Shia Rights Watch expresses its strong condemnation of the irresponsible attack by the Taliban movement in Ghazni province, Afghanistan, against one of the offices of the Shia religious authorities, warning against the consequences of such actions against Shias.

The organization has seen documented testimonies that lead to the Taliban storming the office of the religious authority, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Muhammad Ishaq al-Fayyadh, destroying its contents, and physically and verbally assaulting its workers, in a brutal sectarian violation aimed at targeting Shia Muslims and harming their scholars.

The organization calls on the Taliban movement to present an official apology and pledge not to repeat such violations, in addition to limiting other attacks committed by members of the movement against Shia citizens in the hope of maintaining security and social peace in the country.

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