
WHO: Over 100,000 Hepatitis Cases Reported in Afghanistan Over Past Decade

The World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed that more than 100,000 people in Afghanistan have contracted hepatitis over the past decade, Amu TV reported yesterday.

WHO representative Edwin Ceniza Salvador reported that around 70,000 cases are hepatitis B and 30,000 are hepatitis C. In a video marking World Hepatitis Day on July 28, he emphasized the global impact of the disease, noting that 304 million people worldwide suffer from chronic hepatitis B and C, with a life lost every 30 seconds due to related illnesses.

Salvador urged Afghans to prioritize testing, treatment, and vaccination, stating, “We must accelerate our efforts in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.” This call for action comes amid significant challenges in Afghanistan’s healthcare system, worsened by the Taliban’s return to power and resulting shortages of female doctors due to restrictions on women’s education.

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