Islam World

The Daily Times sheds light on the revival of Ashura in Pakistan

A report published by the Pakistani Daily Times newspaper in English shed light on the revival of the Husseini rituals by Shias in Pakistan and the Islamic world, and the remembrance of the eternal tragedy of Ashura

A report published by the Pakistani Daily Times newspaper in English shed light on the revival of the Husseini rituals by Shias in Pakistan and the Islamic world, and the remembrance of the eternal tragedy of Ashura, which the report described as “the most tragic incident in the entire history of Islam. “

The report, written by journalist Muhammad Nadeem Bhatti and translated by Shiawaves, stated that “Ashura, or the 10th day of Muharram, is a time of grief when the Muslim community pays tribute to Imam Hussein, the son of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, and the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, who was martyred by the second Umayyad caliph (Yazid-I) in the Battle of Karbala for the security of the world’s humanity, 14 centuries ago,” mentioning that “Shias abstain from participating in joyous events.”

The report adds, “Although Imam Hussain was defeated in the battle, his message of kindness, justice, and equality lives on among people, and hence, that is his real victory.”

After a detailed presentation on the tragic incident of Ashura, the author of the report confirms that “The 9th and 10th of Muharram are very important for the Muslim community all over the world. According to me, the security agencies should perform their duties on an exceptional way to secure mourning because Muslims offer their heartiest love towards the grandsons of Muhammad, peace be upon him. The security agencies should work accordingly to let the event pass peacefully. Although we are suffering from COVID-19, the peace committees are especially advised to follow the SOP’s to secure the safety of their family as well as the safety of humanity.”

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