Ahlulbayt Center announces holding meeting to discuss countering coronavirus pandemic in Baghdad

The Ahlulbayt Center, peace be upon them, for Islamic Thought, affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority, announced holding a meeting of the Crisis Cell in Husseiniyat al-Thaqalyn with the attendance of
The Ahlulbayt Center, peace be upon them, for Islamic Thought, affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority, announced holding a meeting of the Crisis Cell in Husseiniyat al-Thaqalyn with the attendance of most of its members to discuss countering coronavirus pandemic in Baghdad.
Center Director Ali al-Saray said that the meeting resulted in the formation of three committees to divide and organize the work: Public Relations Committee, Relief Committee and Disinfection Committee.The meeting stressed coordination in the distribution of food aid to deliver it to the largest possible number of eligible families, and continuing to disinfect the city of Shula and the surrounding areas.
Al-Saray explained that it was agreed to create halls for quarantine and suspected cases, and to emphasize the application of the imposed curfew in coordination with mosques and security forces to avoid the spread of the pandemic.