Quran Competition Held for Women in Kazakhstan

A Quran memorization and recitation competition was recently held for women in Taraz city of Kazakhstan with the participation of 87 Kazakh women.
A Quran memorization and recitation competition was recently held for women in Taraz city of Kazakhstan with the participation of 87 Kazakh women.
According to the Iranian Cultural Center in Kazakhstan, the city’s Abubakr Alseddiq Mosque hosted the competition, titled “Quran, The Right Path”.
From among the participants, 17 women attended in the Quran recitation category, 38 ones in Quran reading, and the rest competed on memorization of one Juz (part) and memorization of half a Juz of the Quran.
Qanat Jumaqul, representative of the Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan in Jambyl Province was the head of the jury panel of the competition.
Taraz is a city and the administrative center of Jambyl Region in Kazakhstan, located on the Talas River in the south of the country near the border with Kyrgyzstan.