New Zealanders convert to Islam after Christchurch Mosque Attacks

A resident in Canterbury, New Zealand’s South Island, felt called to Islam and converted to become Muslim after the Christchurch mosque attacks.
A resident in Canterbury, New Zealand’s South Island, felt called to Islam and converted to become Muslim after the Christchurch mosque attacks.
“I was always kind of searching for my place and to fit in because I never really fit in anywhere” said 22-year-old Megan Lovelady.
There’s no official nationwide figures on Muslims in New Zealand but indicators suggest a growing interest in the Islamic faith.
For example, thousands have taken Qurans or other literature. In Manawatu, they are setting up a database to better support new converts.
Imam Nizamul Haq Thanvi of the International Muslim Association of New Zealand said immediately after the attack, three to five people a day had converted at a Wellington mosque.