Islam World
Saudi Shia kid barbarously killed in Medina before mother’s eyes: Reports

A Saudi Shia little boy, while on a pilgrimage to the holy city of Medina with his Shia mother, has been barbarously killed due to hatred motives.
A Saudi Shia little boy, while on a pilgrimage to the holy city of Medina with his Shia mother, has been barbarously killed due to hatred motives.
Shia Rights Watch stated that :with great sorrow and condemnation, the organization has received the crime of slaughtering the child Zakaria Ahmed in Medina, holding the hardline officials responsible.”
According to what circulated on social media, Zakariya Bader al-Jabir — said to be six or seven years old — was savagely murdered by a taxi driver in front of his mother late last month.
The New Arab website says his mother’s recitation of salutations for the family of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) outraged the taxi driver who, according to “witnesses”, broke the window of his car, before grabbing the “seven-year-old” boy by the back of his shirt and slitting his throat in front of his mother.
The Muslim Vibe website’s account is also similar to that of the New Arab. It says the mother and the child had taken a taxi on their way to al-Masjid al-Nabawi Mosque in the middle of the day, when the driver “pulled over the car, got out, and forced the boy out of the car near a coffee shop in the al-Tilal neighborhood.”
“The taxi driver then broke a glass bottle to obtain a shard of glass, which he then used to cut the throat of the child and stab him,” the report said.