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Islam World

Yemen’s cholera epidemic world’s worst: Oxfam

 The Oxfam charity group says the cholera epidemic in Yemen, which is the subject of a Saudi Arabian war and total embargo, is the largest recorded in modern history.


 The Oxfam charity group says the cholera epidemic in Yemen, which is the subject of a Saudi Arabian war and total embargo, is the largest recorded in modern history.

 The international charity organization said on Friday that more than 360,000 suspected cases of cholera had been sighted in a three-month period, topping Haiti’s 340,000 after an earthquake in 2011.

 “It is quite frankly staggering that in just three months more people in Yemen have contracted cholera than any country has suffered in a single year since modern records began,” said Nigel Timmins, Oxfam’s humanitarian director.

 Since its outbreak in Yemen in April this year, 2,000 people have died from the disease, according to Oxfam.


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