Islam World
Hundreds of thousands trapped in Mosul with ‘worst yet to come’ – UN agency

A UN representative warned that an estimated 400,000 Iraqi civilians are trapped by ISIS in Mosul’s Old City as fighting intensifies.
A UN representative warned that an estimated 400,000 Iraqi civilians are trapped by ISIS in Mosul’s Old City as fighting intensifies.
“The worst is yet to come,” said Bruno Geddo, the Representative of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Iraq.
Speaking by phone, Mr. Geddo said the fighting in the west has been more intense than in the less densely populated east of the city, where the battle ended in January.
“When people try to flee, ISIS terrorists shoot them. Some have tried to leave during prayers or under cover of fog at first light – but were killed,” meanwhile, “life in the Old City is becoming impossible with a lack of food, clean water and fuel,”Mr. Geddo added.