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Islam World

Fighters from a US-backed Syrian militant group have been filmed brutally beheading a child

A video emerging online captures Nour al-Din al-Zenki fighters in the back of a truck with a child they claim is spy supporting Syrian forces.



A video emerging online captures Nour al-Din al-Zenki fighters in the back of a truck with a child they claim is spy supporting Syrian forces.

One of the fighters took a small knife to the boy’s throat and cut off his head in the Palestinian refugee Handarat Camp in Northern Aleppo. 

Sickening footage shot immediately before the boy is slaughtered shows him in ragged clothes surrounded by bearded militants in the back of a pick-up truck. 

Judging by his ragged clothes and the marks on his arms, it appears the boy was impoverished and may have been tortured before he was murdered in the video, seen by Mail Online


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