Funeral prayers of three Pakistani martyrs offered in Karachi
April 17, 2016
377 Less than a minute
Funeral prayers of Karachi’s martyrs have been held at IncholiI mambargah
Funeral prayers of Karachi’s martyrs have been held at IncholiI mambargah Shuhadae Imambargah in Bafarzone.
According to local sources, terrorists of banned Ahl e Sunnat wal-Jamat had martyred a father and son.
The funeral prayers were led by Allama Syed Sajjad Ali Naqvi and thousands of people attended. Leaders of national organizations and ulema were also present there.
Another martyr Hashim’s funeral prayer was offered a day after it in Incholi. Hashim got severely injured Friday but could not succumb to injuries and had passes away Saturday.
He was the student of Applied Physics Department at University of Karachi.