Center for Defending Rights and Freedom calls for termination of Saudi airstrikes
March 2, 2016
325 1 minute read
calls for the international community to stop the Saudi airstrikes on innocent Yemeni civilians
Adam Center for Defending Rights and Freedoms calls for the international community to stop the Saudi airstrikes on innocent Yemeni civilians.
The center condemned the constant bombing on populated areas, referring that crimes committed by the Saudi Air force are the worst since World War II.
The center added in its statement “We see that the international community is involved with the terrorist airstrikes led by the Saudi regime to obliterate the weak Shia minority in northern Yemen. The Saudi killing machines are taking thousands of lives every day.”
It is worth mentioning that the European parliament requested a number of countries including Britain to stop exporting weapons to the Saudi regime, for these weapons will be used to take innocent lives.