ISWF and Free Muslim deliver statement on New Year’s Eve

Imam Shirazi World Foundation and Non-violence Inernational Organization, Free Muslim, delivered a statement on New Year’s Eve.
Imam Shirazi World Foundation and Non-violence Inernational Organization, Free Muslim, delivered a statement on New Year’s Eve.
The statement pointed to the political, social, and economical disorder in the Middle East and blamed the incapable authoritarian regimes that have failed to establish justice in the region.
The statement also mentioned the silence of the international community, the UN, and human rights watch organizations that has paved the way for dictatorship and terrorism in the Middle East.
ISWF and Free Muslim Organization added that due to inefficient humanitarian aids to the wounded and vulnerable people, the women and children were the main victims of the war.
In conclusion, the organizations prayed for security to be restored in the region.