Writings, inscriptions embroidered with Quranic verses adorn al-Abbas Shrine

Writings and decorative inscriptions embroidered with Quranic verses and the names of the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, adorn the inner side of the grand golden Iwan of Al-Abbas Holy Shrine in Karbala.
Writings and decorative inscriptions embroidered with Quranic verses and the names of the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, adorn the inner side of the grand golden Iwan of Al-Abbas Holy Shrine in Karbala.
This is within the ongoing works of strengthening and gilding the Iwan of the holy shrine, which is one of the artistic additions that combined the beauty of calligraphy and the Islamic inscriptions executed with high artistic precision.
Quranic inscriptions including the verse 11:73 were added in the middle of the entrance of the Iwan as well as the names of the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, in Thuluth font.