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Holy Shrines

Top Quranic women selected in Iraq

The third edition of a competition for Iraqi women Quran activists was held at the holy shrine of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, in holy Najaf, Iraq.


The third edition of a competition for Iraqi women Quran activists was held at the holy shrine of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, in holy Najaf, Iraq.

According to the website of the holy shrine, “Noor-un Ala Noor” (light upon light) from the Holy Quran, Surah Noor, verse 35,” was the motto of the competition.

The National Center of Quranic Sciences affiliated to the Iraqi Shias Awqaf Office held the competition in cooperation with Al-Kawthar Quranic Center of the holy shrine.

According to the head of the Astan’s Quran center, the main objective of the competition was to promote Quranic skills of Iraqi women and identify top Quranic talents who can represent the country at international competitions.

Marziyeh Gholami said that a group of Quran experts from Karbala and Baghdad provinces supervised the contest in different categories of memorization, Tajweed principles, Waqf, Ibtida, Sowt and Lahn.

Zahra Hamid Majid was selected as the representative of the holy city of Najaf at the national Quran competition of Iraq to be held in the near future.


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